Shipping Policy
Transport Policy: Global transport
Processing time: Your order will be carefully packed and ready to ship within 5-7 business days.
Shipping time: Due to global shipping logistics and customs processing, your package may take around 15-20 working days to reach its destination.
Processing Time Description (5-7 days) :
In our stores, we are committed to providing our customers with the best quality products. Every order is carefully processed, checked and packaged to ensure it meets our high quality standards. Our professional team will ensure that your order is handled with the utmost care and attention to detail within 5-7 working days to ensure that the goods you receive are in good condition.
Shipping time Description (15-20 days) :
The transit time of 15-20 working days takes into account all stages of the global transportation process. This includes customs clearance, international shipping and local delivery. While we make every effort to expedite the process, factors such as customs checks and local delivery schedules may affect the final delivery schedule. Thank you for your patience and we will work hard to ensure that your package is delivered safely and efficiently.